Please choose from the dropdown:
8-10 days (select a specific date). There are cases where the products would be delivered at much earlier timeframe as well, but please select this option to avoid any issues from Amazon end.
6. Characters/Words Limit:
If you are rewriting descriptions or SKU number for some reason, make sure it does NOT exceed Amazon’s limit.
Kindly Write to our Support for Below Issues:
Amazon’s formats and policies are ever changing ones, in case you find any of the below errors or any other issues as well, please write to baapstore support for us to look into it.
- Your product feed doesn't match any existing Amazon listing, and you don't have enough information to create a new one.
- Missing Attributes: You're missing required attributes for your product. This error can be caused by Amazon’s ever updating format as they might include new fields that are supposed to be updated on a regular basis.
- Trademark Issue: Trademark Infringement and brand protection. If you receive such issues, please write to us to check into it and update the sheets.
- Authorization Issue: You aren't authorized to list products in a particular category. This as well might due to Amazon’s changing formats.
- The item is restricted: Amazon controls permissions for some ASINs.
- Violation of Terms: Amazon's Terms of Service are always changing, so it is shown to violate them.
- Invalid SKU: This error can occur if the SKU is incorrect
- Suppressed listing: A listing can be suppressed for various reasons, every such scenario has to be researched exclusively to find the reason and fix those.
- Stock Update: While uploading quantities of already added SKUs on your Amazon portal, the SKU in the quantity sheet must match the SKU you already have on your Amazon for it to accept the uploaded data. If SKUs does not match, it will be ignored from Amazon end. If still any issues, write to baapstore support.
- New Batch Uploaded: If a new batch is uploaded to the Amazon portal, wait at least 24 hours for the products to appear properly on the front end. If they do not appear after that time, please contact us.
If you find any other issues not listed here as well, please write to our baapstore support.