We have made the uploading of the products and updating stock-outs on Shopify a breeze. Just follow the below steps:
- Log on to your reseller panel at reseller.baapstore.com and click on the 'Smart Export Tool' from the top menu.
- Click on 'Daily Sync > By products (Opencart/WooCommerce/Shopify Formats Export).
- Select the required category under the 'Category' option, as in the below screenshot.

You can choose the products of your choice by clicking the "Add to My Bag" button to store in your bag, to upload it further to your store.
If you would like to select all the products from the page, click the orange colored button 'Add all products on this page to 'My Bag''. It will add all the products visible in the page to 'My Bag'.
5. Go to 'My Bag Products', check all your listed products and if you do not like any, remove it by clicking the 'Remove from My Bag' button.
6. Export all the chosen products by using the button 'Export all products from My Bag' at the top of the page.
8. In the next page, if you are a new subscriber and using this tool for the first time, you have to export using the 'life time'' to get all the products stored in your bag.
To get the update on stock availability, choose the 'custom date' as one day prior to the current date to get the updated products list.
9. Set your price before downloading the products:
- Download at MSRP (Minimum Selling Retail Price): If you select this option, the products will be downladed at a Minimum Selling Retail Price. This is the price point you shall sell the products minimum at, you shall however sell at higher price than this as you need (in MRP products, you can sell at MRP only and not more than that).
- Download at Current Pricing According to My Plan: If you select this option, products will be downloaded at the prices that's applicable on your plan. For example, a product might cost 100rs for bronze, 70rs for diamond and 20rs for platinum members. If you are in a Diamond Plan and when you download products selecting this option, this product will be downloaded at 70rs for you.
- Set your Own Profit Margin & Download: This option will let you set your own margin. Whatever figure you provide here will increase the price from the MSRP price. For example, if you are giving '50' in the text box, it will increase the margin by 50% i.e., if the MSRP cost is Rs.100, your selling price will become Rs.150.
10. Select Download Format:
For Shopify, select 'Shopify'. If your portal's format is not mentioned here, download the 'CSV Format' and modify it according to your portal.
Detailed Explanation of All the Options
Instruction for Smart Export Tool'
- If you want download all the products, select 'Lifetime' option.
- If you already have loaded the required products on your website from our database, you need to select 'Custom Date' and select the last day's date. So if there is any change made on the previous day, you can able to download and upload the same on your website.
- Exclude Instock products (selecting this option will exclude all the instock products from downloading.
- Exclude Out of stock products (selecting this option will exclude all the out of stock products from downloading)
- If you missed to update stocks on daily basis from certain dates, for ex: if you become busy and did not update stocks on last 10 days, then select 'custom date' option and fill that particular 'from' date.
- Set your price before downloading the products:
- Download at MSRP (Minimum Selling Retail Price): If you select this option, the products will be downladed at a Minimum Selling Retail Price. This is the price point you shall sell the products minimum at, you shall however sell at higher price than this as you need (in MRP products, you can sell at MRP only and not more than that).
- Download at Current Pricing According to My Plan: If you select this option, products will be downloaded at the prices that's applicable on your plan. For example, a product might cost 100rs for bronze, 70rs for diamond and 20rs for platinum members. If you are in a Diamond Plan and when you download products selecting this option, this product will be downloaded at 70rs for you.
- Set your Own Profit Margin & Download: This option will let you set your own margin. Whatever figure you provide here will increase the price from the MSRP price. For example, if you are giving '50' in the text box, it will increase the margin by 50% i.e., if the MSRP cost is Rs.100, your selling price will become Rs.150.
7. Instruction for 'Step 3 of Smart Export Tool'
For Shopify, select 'Shopify'. If your portal's format is not mentioned here, download the 'CSV Format' and modify it according to your portal.
8. In some cases, you may find the download status as 'No Products on selected Criteria', It maybe because no data matches your selected criteria and we'd request you to select with different criteria or after sometime.

- Shopify restricted Personal Identifiable data in their basic plan. It means for passing orders, they might or might not provide customer name, mobile number, address, and any other identifiable data. So please check with Shopify if basic plan is enough or you need higher plan to pass PI data.
- If your customers use coupon code on your website, those orders may not sync properly. So we recommend you to place those orders manually (this issue will soon be fixed, please check with us).
- Shopify passes 50 to 100 orders only at a time. Remaining orders will be passed in next API request. If you have this issue, it should be auto syncd in subsequent API request.